Opcije plaćanja

With our partners, it's easy to reach your goal


When it comes to paying for real estate in cash, you can pay the amount all at once or according to pre-agreed dynamics, i.e. installments. If you are buying your first apartment, you have the possibility to get a value added tax (VAT) refund.


Call our advisor to get all the answers as soon as possible.

Given that the construction of the complex is monitored by the bank, we enabled future clients to buy apartments through the bank's housing loans, regardless of the level of construction of the project, under more favorable conditions, with already provided project documentation.

All the necessary documentation for the real estate is already in the bank and you do not have to collect it yourself, coming to the bank solves everything. 

Ako kupujete prvi stan, imate mogućnost da dobijete povraćaj poreza na dodatu vrednost (PDV-a).

Ukoliko razmišljate o kupovini stana kontaktirajte našeg savetnika!